EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor
You looking to find the "EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor" Good news! You can purchase EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Wide slots help brakes run up to 200 degrees cooler
- Reduces brake fade under load and at speed
- Removes dirt dust and debris from braking zone
- Great for Truck and SUV, towing etc for sport sedan use
- Anodized for protection gold for imports or black for domestics
Product Description
The latest in sport rotors features wide aperture slots that draw cool air into the braking contact area and reduce temperatures preventing brake fade. Dimple drilling avoids stress cracks and the new gold anodized EBC finish provides great looks whilst preventing corrosion. EBC sport rotors now feature reduced 3 slot venting which provides slightly less air noise under heavy braking whilst still maintaining the benefits of cooler running with the full width slot design. The design of these rotors means that some wind noise is observed and if drivers feel they would find this offensive they are advised to select the quieter USR Ultimax series or the EBC plain rotor. Another great feature of slotted rotors is the way they maintain flat and parallel pad wear and avoid the record grooves or galling common with non-slotted rotors. This improves pad contact and braking throughout the life of the rotor and pad set.EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor Review
Work well so far. You can really tell the difference in wet conditions where they grab well, almost too well sometimes. Used these with EBC 6000 series pads. Very happy so far.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from EBC Brakes GD7013 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor ...
That isn't too bad of a price on this rotor and the wide slots are a very nice feature. I know I need to replace the brake rotor I have at some point. I hope I can find a good deal like this where I live, but I'm not sure where to start looking. Can you purchase these online?